6 Ways to Get Your Skin Summer Ready – Kadee Botanicals

6 Ways to Get Your Skin Summer Ready

6 Ways to Get Your Skin Summer Ready This Holiday Season


Summer is officially here and that means it’s time to get your skin looking its best for the summer season. After all, you won’t want to hide away from the warm weather or even go inside just yet! If you’re looking to take advantage of the summer sun and keep your skin looking as healthy and youthful as possible, we’ve got some tips to help you out. From how much time you should spend outdoors every day, to what essential oils and lotions you need on hand. Keep reading for everything you need to know about getting your skin in shape for summer.


1. Repair Cracked Heels

There’s nothing more annoying than having your cracked heels visible in open shoes. Cracked heels are painful and can make wearing heels a no-no. However, there are ways to help to heal your heels. After soaking your feet, make sure to moisturise your heels, avoid standing/walking on them, and apply a thick serum, that contains ingredients such as cucumber, lactic acid and rose. Cucumber is a superb anti-inflammatory and helps to reduce any swelling and pain. Lactic acid is another ingredient that helps to get rid of any bacteria, thereby healing the heels.


Restore Cracked Heels


2. Smooth Bumpy Arms

There's nothing worse than bringing out your unloved bare arms after weeks of shielding them in long sleeve tops only to find they're not only pale but bumpy too. If you’ve got a raised or bumpy rash that’s especially bad around your elbows, it’s important to get your skin repaired and moisturized. This rash can be caused by a number of things including stress, allergies, poor hygiene, and even an over-the-counter medication that’s causing your skin to become dry. If your elbows are rough and bumpy, use a gentle, grain-based body scrub to gently exfoliate your skin and keep them smooth and soft. Follow with a skin-loving body lotion like Kadee Botanicals Body Lotion.


3. Exfoliate and cleanse your back

You may be spending more time outside around the pool or the beach in your bathing suit over the summer, so you must take a look at the skin on your back. Over winter, it's been hidden away and you may find that you have bumps or acne that need to be smoothed. Unclog the pores on your back with a salicylic or lactic acid exfoliator to reveal your smooth skin underneath. Help get your back and shoulders in shape by removing those dead skin cells that build up over the winter months.


4. Restore Red Elbows

If your elbows are starting to look a little darker than normal and you’re worried about your skin, don’t worry! This is normal and something that a lot of people experience during the summer months. If your elbows have started to get a little darker, you can easily brighten them up and make them look smoother again. Try a body scrub that exfoliates your skin and gets rid of any dead skin. You could also try a body oil treatment or a salicylic acid scrub. All these products can help your elbows look their best.


5. Stay Hydrated

You might not think that you need to carry a bottle of water with you when you're outside during summer, but you’d be surprised at how important it is. Not only is it super important for your health to stay hydrated, but it’s also super important for the health of your skin. When you’re not drinking enough water, your body produces more oil, leaving your skin prone to clogged pores and breakouts. Keep your water bottle nearby and help your skin cells stay hydrated and healthy.

Stay hydrated 


6. Wear UV Protection

Lastly, it goes without saying that while your skin must soak up some vitamin D, after a few minutes of exposure, it's important to protect against too much sun. Splashing around the pool and enjoying the warm weather over the summer holiday period is great to restore health, but be aware that too much sun can age you. Invest in a wide-brimmed hat to shield your face from the aging properties of the sun and protect your skin with sunscreen. Protect your skin from damaging UV rays by including sunscreen in your skincare routine.


Getting your skin ready for the warmer months takes time. There are a few steps you can take to keep your skin healthy and hydrated during the summer months. If you’re looking to get your skin ready for summer, consider the below tips:

  • Get your feet summer ready and repair cracked heels
  • Use a scrub to exfoliate your skin, arms, shoulders and back before baring
  • Repair forgotten red elbows
  • Take your water bottle wherever you go and stay hydrated
  • Use an SPF daily and take your wide-brimmed hat with you.

Your skin will thank you for it!