Kadee Botanicals Hand Cream - Customer Review

Kadee Botanicals Hand Cream - Customer Review

We love hearing from our customers and this email we received earlier this month made it all worthwhile. 

Dear Kadee Botanicals,

I love your Hand Cream. 

My husband has been using your hand cream every night for the last 6 weeks and the result is amazing. 

He’d been working with concrete for the last few years and it showed.  His hands were rough, cracked and dry.  The concrete dust had filled the cracks in his hands and his hands always looked dirty. 

Because of his hands, he’d get disapproving looks from strangers who’d judge him.  This really affected his confidence and meant we didn’t go out as much.

I gave him the Lemon Myrtle Hand Cream at the end of November and by early January the result was miraculous.

He applied the cream on his hands every night before bed.  It smelt luxuriously natural. 

Hand - BeforeHand - After

Within two days, his hands started feeling smoother and softer.  The cracks had started to disappear. By the end of the first week, the fingerprint scanner at work stopped recognising him. 

Over Christmas, he had two weeks off work and that’s when his hands started to really change. 

The cracks and concrete dust have completely disappeared.  His hands have got their natural colour back and feel soft. 

He is so happy with the result.  

Thanks for restoring my husbands’ confidence. 


P.S. He’s back at work now and his hands have remained soft.